
Nuuk, December 1999

Expedition CAP2000


In April 2000 four young friends will realise a life-long ambition: The crossing of Greenland’s ice cap - a journey of 630 km.

Three of the members of the expedition are currently living in Nuuk (Godthaab), whilst the fourth member of the team is resident in Denmark. The expedition is a sports expedition, the primary purpose of which is to test the participants’ limits - both physically and mentally.

The members of the expedition will gather in Nuuk at the beginning of March in order to sort out the final practical details. At the start of April the group will sail to the head of one of the many fjords in the Nuuk area - the Ameralik Fjord. From here it is approximately 50 km to the ice cap. This initial stretch will be carried out, like the rest of the journey, using skis and pulk.

All the members of the expedition are highly experienced and have already explored and tested many facets of themselves (see enclosed description). The group therefore possesses the skills needed for the completion of the upcoming expedition. Furthermore, the group members living in Nuuk have a knowledge of Greenland and have trained under realistic conditions with respect to climate and terrain.

Preparations for the expedition have been thorough and have been based partly on the reading of relevant literature and partly through contact with previous expeditions. On the basis of the above, CAP2000 has drawn up a budget which amounts to a figure in excess of DKK 150,000 (see appendix). As this is a significant figure, finance is being sought through sponsorship.

CAP2000 will attract a great deal of commercial interest with regard to the trip - and the sponsors. Contact with a journalist on one of Denmark’s national newspapers has been established. A homepage has been set up on the Internet: In addition, following the completion of the expedition, CAP2000 will be available for lectures in both Denmark and Greenland. One of the members of the expedition has previously carried out a lecture tour in Denmark. Finally, the trip will result in good stories and attractive photos, which will naturally be freely available for use by the sponsors.

We hope that the above has sparked your interest in the expedition and that you may be willing to enter a sponsorship partnership. As a partner, your contribution could take the form of funding or assistance in the procurement of equipment/provisions.

Yours faithfully,

